I'm an Editor in book publishing. All opinions are my own.
I have a massive TBR pile and a 33-page-long book wishlist, so needless to say, some books I aspire to read sit around for a while before I pick them up. But in some cases, it's just egregious:
The Phantom Tollbooth
Y'all, I seriously haven't read The Phantom Tollbooth. When I was a kid, fantasy wasn't really my thing. I preferred series novels with female protagonists and subject matter that was primarily about social situations and interactions (i.e. Babysitters Club or Sweet Valley High). So there are a few classics I missed in my pickiness, and this is one.
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
I know, I haven't read this one either! And everyone raves ALL THE RAVES about it! My first exposure to Chabon was The Yiddish Policeman's Union, a natural choice for me because of my love of crime fiction. Though it took me 50 pages or so to get into it, I ended up really enjoying the novel, and vowed to read more of Chabon's work. That was five years ago . . .
The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation
Sometimes when I know a novel is going to cover dark material, I need to work up to it. Case in point, I read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo for book club when someone else chose it, loved it, but still haven't read the rest of the trilogy. This is one of the novels I haven't worked up to yet.
What books have been sitting on your TBR list forever and ever?